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Flight 77 Pentagon Collision Analysis



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Drawing: : Pentagon Site Plan

What follows is a simple analysis, using commonly available computer aided analysis tools illustrating the details of penetration of the Boeing 757-200 (according to news sources for Flight 77) into the building. At left is a site plan indicating the approximate location of the impact and the face of the building affected, which is shown in greater detail below.

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Realities of Exterior Wall Penetration: Oblique View



Oblique Perspectival View of penetration from Computer Model (see also animation from same model, below). This illustration indicates with not-so-subtle clarity how the engines and main wing spars (structural component of wings) present peril to the exterior shell of the building. The main wing spar and engines are far more massive and solid objects than the front of the fuselage itself.

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Realities of Exterior Wall Penetration



Drawing 3: Elevation of 757-200 Superposition over actual opening created at Pentagon. Geometry (shape and dimensions) extracted forensically from photographs of the penetration available in the public domain. Both 757-200 fueselage (drawings courtesy of Boeing, Inc.) are to the same scale. As can be seen above, the aircraft fuselage cannot penetrate the wall of the pentagon without being tilted nose-down, which would create significant tracks in the lawn made by the engine cowlings and engines themselves – not to mention the fact that ground interference would tend to make the aircraft enter a headlong rotation, up-ending it against the building face. Photograph of site post-crash below shows no such marks or signs of interference. Please also note lack of damage that would clearly be inflicted by (a) main wing spars, (b) engines, (c) rear stablizer/rudder assy., etc.


dfghole in facade of wall. note undisturbed architectural and structural elements.  
fdgdfhole in facade of wall. note undisturbed architectural and structural elements.



dfgnote the lack of significant disturbance of lawn in front of impact site.


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Geometry of Impact: Structural Interference



Drawing 4: Plan View  757-200 PENETRATION @ PENTAGON – PLAN

This drawing indicates the point of penetration of the 757-200 in the context of the official floor plan of the Pentagon, both at the same scale of course. The direction of travel of the aircraft is indicatd on the fuselage, above. Plan shows missing section of wall and interior structural elements. The drawing also indicates the impending collision between starboard wing leading edge and entry of building, which was left unscathed (see photographs). There are no marks or exterior damage from engines or from wing. The wing itself contains a rather massive beam, called the ‘main spar’ which is FAR stronger than are girders commonly used in skyscrapers. It is not only of comparable size – but is also heat treated and hardened to a higher specification – owing to the span across which it must function  (approximately 125 ft) – a far greater span than can be found in the largest of skyscrapers.

See also: Animations at bottom of graphics section

Original drawings were made according to government and Boeing documents available in the public domain. See below for reference.

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Penetration of Structural Building Elements by Boeing 757

5A: penetration at pentagon outer ring – outer layer of brick facade is not disturbed. no signs of damage
5B: penetration  at world trade center building 2. moment of aircraft successfully transferred to wingips -shearing through large )14" wide I-beams with 1"+ flange thickness.
INTERIOR @ Pentagon, ground floor, Ring ‘A’, typicaldfsgf
5C: EXTERIOR @ Pentagon, ground floor, Ring ‘A’, typical
  INTERIOR @ WTC Building 1, 83rd Floordsfg
5D: EXTERIOR @ WTC Building 1, 83rd Floor

above: structural details of exterior wall structures – comparing Pentagon and WTC Building 2 impact zones.


Figures 5A & 5B: Photographic evidence of Pentagon and WTC 2 respectively, showing damage from impact of similar planes. Penetration @ Pentagon Exterior wall does not correlate to distribution of mass or structural elements of Boeing 757. Single central hole is left behind, despite the lack of compressive strength of the 757  fuselage and the far greater strength/mass of wing and engine assembly.

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Structural Components of Boeing 757


  Drawing 6, above: Structural view of Boeing 767 (nearly identical structurally to 757) showing primary and secondary structural elements (in purple). Supporting elements to main spar cage seen in wing, creating the overall stiffness required for the incredible structural loads demanded upon the 757’s wing structure. Please also note the relative lack of structural elements in the collapsible fuselage at front (the fuselage cannot bear the sorts of compressive load that the wing structure can).


Drawing 7, above: Structural drawing (source: Boeing, Inc) indicating continuous main wing spar. The main wing spar is supported by horizontal ribs and other members, welded to it forming an extremely rigid cage, capable of withstanding hundreds of tons of compressive force over a small area. Please see drawing 6, above, to see the context and construction of this assembly.

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Photographs of layup of a 757 main wing spar at Boeing, Inc. The main wing spar is far and beyond the most structurally critical component in most airplanes. It is primarily responsible for the structural integrity of the aircraft and supports most of weight of the aircraft during flight. It could be fairly said that the main wing spar, along with it’s integral structural supports, is many fold stronger than the structure of most high rise buildings. See illustration 5B if you have any doubt in this matter.


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Animation: Plan View of Collision
Animation from computer model shows consecutive points of interference between plane and building. Please note points of contact/interception on face of building indicated at nose and starboard wing leading edges. The angle of entry would initiate some degree of deflection and/or rotation of aircraft, which is trivial but interesting to consider.

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Animation: Oblique View of Collision
Animation from computer model shows consecutive points of interference between plane and building. Please note points of contact/interception on face of building indicated at nose and starboard wing leading edges. The angle of entry would initiate some degree of deflection and/or rotation of aircraft, which is trivial but interesting to consider.

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